Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bonjour Tout le Monde!

And welcome to my blog!

For purposes of my sanity, the sanity of my immediate family, and the curiosity of my friends, I've decided to engage in the increasingly common practice of blogging my semester abroad. Now you can all read about my life as I spend four months in Paris all in one place, and I am saved having to answer any and all separate inquiries asking how my semester is going. Everyone wins!

It is now FIVE (!!) days until I leave for the City of Light and the American University of Paris. I'm afraid I don't have too much to report right now, except that I'm starting to pack and am trying to finish up the last few things I need to do before I leave (take care of some business at my bank, etc...) and am suffering from a rather heady mix of excitement/anxiety that's starting to keep me up at night. Although that could have something to do with the fact that it's August in the Midwest and our air-conditioning unit is broken...

I hope to post once more by the end of the week before I leave, but until then,

Grosses bises! xoxo